Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Sweet Spot

Hitting a baseball is one of the most difficult things to do in ANY sport. To make contact with a baseball being thrown at 85 mph, the hitter needs to react in fractions of a second. To hit a baseball square, is a completly different story.
Hitting a baseball square means that you have hit the ball in its center, with the 4 inch sweet spot that exists on your bat.
It is an accomplishment of a perfectly synchronized act. The batter has timed the ball perfectly, kept their weight back, took their hands to the ball, extended their arms, cleared their hips, and (hopefully) kept their head on the ball.
The ball leaves the bat with a different feel, and you can just tell you hit the crap out of it. Whether the ball lands somewhere for a hit or not is in the hands of the baseball gods, but you put the ball in play the best you could, and gave yourself a chance.
Finding the sweet spot is pivotal for success at the dish. If you miss too low on the bat, it could break. Too high, and you could likely fart the ball further. A simple inch off of the sweet spot can take away a shot in the gap and turn it into a pop up to the pitcher. So unfair.
But as a great player once told me, "that is why you get more than one at bat." Baseball is a sport that can beat you down, but finding that sweet spot, even if its only 3 out of 10 times, makes it well worth it.

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