Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Did That Just Happen?

Today has been a bad day in terms of weather. It is winter time, but today has been exceptionally poor; the snow has been constant, the wind bone chilling, and the temperature numbing.

Big Red, Hedman and myself had just finished throwing around some weight in the gym (Hedman was throwing around less, but doing his fair share), and we were on our way back to the car. We had decided to take the long route to the parking lot because the snow had filled the path that is the short cut to the parking lot. Deciding to not be the trailblazers that sacrificed the dryness of our pants to reconstruct the short cut, the longer route was deemed a better decision.

Turns out it was a good decision.

Big Red and I had been waiting at the lights to cross the road and were observing cars drive by at speeds not conducive to the poor weather conditions. As the light turn orange there were two cars preparing to turn into campus. One was making a right turn, the other a left. Both cars seemed to ignore the existence of the other, and had decided to make their turns.

I had been just starring off into space, when the silence was broken by Big Red asking "is this about to happen?" As I looked up to observe these two cars starting their turns, I responded simply "yup".

The car making the left turn was a small sedan while the right turning vehicle was a truck that towered over the left turning vehicle. Both vehicles attempted to turn into the one lane road into campus, when both back ends started to fish tail.


"Did that just happen?" Big Red inquired. I nodded in agreement that we had just witnessed a minor accident.

The young lady got out of her car and was hysterical that she had just been hit by the older man in the truck. "Did you just hit my car you..." insert a slew of expletive language to finish her sentence. The old man was much more calm about the situation, and asked if the girl was alright or injured. After being assured that nobody was hurt, the two pulled up the road a bit to begin exchanging information.

The long route turned out to be a good decision, because we were able to witness two examples of poor driving and bad judgement. Drive safe.

1 comment:

  1. I am honoured to be mentioned in your blog.
